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Me and My Planet

Peregrino’s Northern California Debut

By September 3, 2019May 17th, 2021No Comments
Whenever I used to ask my good friend, Roberto Carra, what the mission for our communications organization ought to be, he always replied, “we just finish one great project after another.” Wise words, not always easily achieved.

My “Peregrino” album was a long time in the making: three sessions in Valencia, Spain over a period of nine months and a lengthy mixing process. As I don’t release a new album every day or even every year, I wanted to celebrate the hard work and great performances that went into it.

I booked a number of shows in Sonoma and Marin County for the last week of August. Bassist Jaume Guerra Meneu and pianist Amadeo Moscardó came from Spain for the shows. It was a week of practicing and performing and engaging in some true Northern California hospitality.

Chip Trombley was our percussionist for the release shows that included a rocking perfromance at Healdsburg’s Elephant in the Room. At the Throckmorton Theater in Mill Valley, Tim Weed, Bobby Vega and Maria Maldaur opened the show. Our band was joined by Tim Weed and the ever amazing Shea Breaux Wells.

The gigs were packed and Peregrino got the public release it deserved.

Our next stop will be formally introducing Peregrino to the Valencianos in the city where these songs were recorded and produced — Spain in November 2019.

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